Family Constellation

Facilitator Training


Special Training & Workshop ~ Fixing The BROKEN Inner Compass

~ Do you always trust the wrong people or don’t know who to trust?
~ Are you constantly betrayed?

**This Event Is Full** In this Sunday’s Special Family Constellation Workshop we will explore why you keep choosing people who harm you or why you can’t trust anyone at all.

What is it in you that keeps attracting you to these people?

We will explore and bring healing to the childhood trauma beneath these patterns. Within you is an internal compass that guides you to those you can trust and advises you against those you cannot. Childhood trauma can BREAK your inner compass, blocking you from trusting anyone or continually being betrayed. We can repair it. 

This workshop is also a TRAINING. If you are trained in Family Constellation work, you can have the opportunity to practice facilitation. Click the GREEN BUTTON below to get the workshop details. 10am-7:00pm EST (New York Time).

Learning to Facilitate Family Constellation Work

This page is a resource for facilitators of Family Constellation work, students learning to facilitate & those who desire to find a great Family Constellation training. 

The Best Trainings - Hands-on practice vs. Theory

It takes a long time to learn Family Constellation facilitation. It depends on your courage to practice and learn while holding people’s psyche’s in your hands. It depends on your ability to fail in front of a group. Your capacity to be vulnerable.

There are many Constellation trainings, most lasting 6-9 months. It takes longer than this to become a competent facilitator. I would suggest many years, though you can get the basics in one training. Dan Cohen, a mentor whom I greatly respect says it takes “100 Constellations to become a proficient facilitator.” 100 may not sound like many, but when we break it down, it is.

To accomplish this you have to gather groups & clients together and then repeatedly practice & learn. If you create a workshop once per month and facilitate 4 Constellations on this day, then you will complete your 100 Constellations in about 2 years. The number – 100 Constellations – is arbitrary and everyone’s progress will vary, but it’s a good benchmark. For me it took about 4 years to get the basics and begin to feel comfortable in the Field. Even now I learn more every time I lead a Constellation.

This hands-on practice concept is IN ADDITION
to any facilitator trainings you take.

There are many trainings out there. I’ve led 10 full trainings myself. I believe it’s most important for students to find a training with hands-on practice. I’ve taken 9 month trainings where I never facilitated a single Constellation. Over the 5 full trainings I’ve taken I’ve probably facilitated 5 Constellations. This is NOT ENOUGH. So you have to create your first 100 Constellations on your own, outside of a training. You have to create the event yourself, market it, bringing together attendees (clients and representatives), which is a skill in itself.

Some trainings create space for more hands-on practice than others – Find these.

Hands-on is so important because you must train your body – muscle memory & energetic memory – for the complexity of leading a Constellation. You must develop confidence in yourself & develop your intuitive accuracy while leading a group.

Do you remember that childhood nightmare, the one where you show up in front of your class naked and have to give a presentation? This is the skill you need to develop to lead a Family Constellation workshop. Your ability to be in your vulnerability (naked), while leading a group (in front of people).

You must train your body and energetic awareness to feel the group’s energy, the energy in the Field, while maintaining connection with your client and your intuition – All at the same time.

This takes hands-on practice. You can’t learn this in a book, you learn it in your body.

Bert Hellinger did not learn from a book. He learned from the Field & in his body. Yes, he had other trainings and skills that he learned along the way, but nobody taught him “The Orders Of Love” and no book trained his intuition. He learned by doing and the Field taught him. The Field is your best teacher and you only get this through practice.

So, my advice is, find a training with a LOT of hands-on practice. My 2023/2024 Family Constellation Training was 40 days and consisted of 50% hands-on practice, 25% theory & 25% personal work.

The Journey Is A Long One

But if you continue to move forward, apply yourself, feel the fears and vulnerability while doing the inner work, you will get there.

While you are developing during your first 100 Constellations – You ARE HELPING PEOPLE quite a bit. A mediocre Constellation is still usually more powerful than talk therapy. So, don’t dismiss those first Constellations as not of value. They are valuable and anyone lucky enough to have a Constellation with you is lucky indeed. Charge enough so there is a balance between give and take. I see ALMOST ALL new facilitators charging too little. Respect yourself, respect the work, respect your clients. Believe they will get tremendous value and they will.

I coach facilitators in business skills. It’s a passion of mine. I don’t charge much because I consider it an offering to our community. If you want business support (Where to market? How to market? How to build a group? How much to charge? Should you rent a space…?) – Reach out. I’ve been through all of this myself.

The Inner Work

Family Constellation work is a mastery-level modality, a powerful tool. Because of it’s power, it asks a lot of us regarding our skillfulness & health as facilitators. We must do the inner work to competently use this tool. 

The level of inner work needed is high. It is HALF THE BATTLE to your success. Half is learning the skills (embodied and theoretical), the other half is working on your own trauma and wounds.

  • Your fears of being seen.
  • What if you reach out and nobody responds?
  • Of asking for and receiving support.
  • Of charging what you are worth.
  • The fears of public failure.
  • What if you harm a client or make a mistake?

If these particular fears impact you, you will have to work through them to succeed. Most healers have a few of these. This is normal, there is nothing wrong with you, it is the healers journey (You take on the wound, you heal it and then you share the healing medicine you learned with the world.)

To the level you resolve your wounds is the level to which you can bring your gifts & trust me, bringing this modality to the world is beautiful. It is WORTH the inner work. 

Here are 4 blog articles I wrote to support students in learning the art of Family Constellation facilitation.

Other Ways To Learn

Aside from hands-on practice, the other way I like to learn is through books. The pacing of books soothes me, I feel relaxed. I take in the information slowly where it is allowed to integrate into my body. Here are the best Constellation books I’ve come across. I recommend these to all my students. The top section are the required readings & the bottom 6 are recommended. Click the heart image below to view the reading list.

The Training Manual – Over the years I have compiled quite the list of reading materials for my students, over 200 pages. I’m giving this to you. This manual has grown as I’ve come across more good information. It is now almost 200 pages long. It is a BIG DOWNLOAD, but if you are interested, you are welcome to have it. Most of my students download it and then have it printed. Any big office supply store can do this.

About ½ this manual are my personal writings. The other ½ are written by prominent facilitators. I thank them and I have always tried to give them credit when I have shared their materials. I hope I have not missed any citations.

Family Constellation Training Manual

Family Constellation Recommended Book List

Training Constellations

Training Constellations are my most recent project to support students to learn Constellation work. I do very complex Constellations, it’s what I love to do. As a Soul I enjoy challenging myself and I become bored when I am not challenged. My Constellations take about 1 hour and 45 minutes and usually involve 15 or so representatives. (You can create a much smaller container than I do, the work is still amazing.)

Students have said it’s beneficial when I explain my thinking process for them. This allows them to see inside my mind as I am facilitating.

Like all artforms, from the outside it can look like I have it all under control, but I can assure you, I do not. There are many times I feel lost or have NO IDEA what is going on. There are times I am thinking – How am I ever going to wrap this Constellation up? It does not look like it will resolve. And yet, through the magic & intelligence of the Field, it does. (I would offer here that FAITH in the Field is one of the most important things you will learn over time)

My current facilitation skills are based on 15 years in the Field. A previous 5 years of leading Holotropic Breathwork events and 10 years of being a flight attendant, which is where I first started learning to manage the energetics of group Fields. All of these have taught me to manage group energies & emotions.

In this Training Constellation (The Mindset Of A Facilitator #1) I break down a full Constellations for you and share my thinking processes. This Training Video is 3 hours long, so create the space to take it in. More of these Training Constellation videos will be coming.

If you find it valuable, please like. This it the first of many Training Constellations to come. If you want receive notice when they are published, subscribe to my Family Constellation based YouTube channel, where you can see Bert Hellinger Training Videos and more.

Also share your thoughts in the comments on YouTube, it creates a conversation. It also raises the algorithm, which supports others to see it & is a blessing to me.

Learning About Trauma

Anyone can lead a Constellation. Some have more aptitude than others. I once had an accountant in a training. She was worried, “who am I to lead a Constellation, do I have the skills for this?” My reply is, “yes, absolutely”

You don’t have to be a psychotherapist, healer or anything of the sort. All it takes is time, learning & dedication. Anybody can learn to facilitate Family Constellation work. 

But, in addition to a Constellation training – you need to know how to work with trauma. You need to track where your client is energetically & emotionally and moderate their experience so they can be present to the process without getting blown out or dissociating. Learning this is up to you. It’s not hard, but you need the attunement and awareness to support your client.

You do not have to take a class to learn about trauma. you can look from a book or online resources. One of my favorite books on trauma is Bessel van der Kolk’s – The Body Keeps The Score. It’s well written & enjoyable. You can also find his resources on YouTube. Peter Levine is another skillful writer when it comes to learning trauma work, as you can see in his Waking The Tiger book here.

Whatever you do, or whatever your background or training. You must support your client’s emotional safety. To do this, learn about trauma. You do not need to take a full course, spend thousands of dollars or take years of study. You simply need to attune to your clients experience while you are working and support them when they need it. It is necessary to spend a few days or weeks learning about this in addition to any Family Constellation Training. 

My Most Recent Training

Here I’m leaving the details of my most recent advanced training. It may help you to learn more regarding my thinking process and what I feel it is most important for students to learn.

I hope this entire training page has been valuable to you.

If you would like to share anything – contact me


3-Day Advanced Family Constellation Training

September 20th, 21st & 22nd

3-Day Masterclass: Safely Working With Forces Of Light & Dark

Join us as we explore the Shamanic Side of our human nature. For me this represents the Light & Dark aspects of ourselves & our planet. 

Over the past 4 years I have been learning to work with Low-Vibration forces. You could say that I AM being trained by the Field. Much like Bert Hellinger learned the Orders of Love. 

This training has come after 11 years of traditional Constellation work. To say that I was surprised when Dark Forces first showed up in a Client’s Field 4 years ago would be an understatement. But I trusted the Field and that It knew I could handle this for this client. 

And over the next 4 years The Field has consistently brought me clients struggling with Attachments, Curses, Dark Ritual Abuse and more. 

And through the Field I/We have been able to HELP THESE CLIENTS.

Light & Dark Forces

Are a part of life. We don’t talk about it much in the Western Cultures, but the more Indigenous do, all around the world. Even today. They know that Black Magic, Low-Vibration Witches, Attachments & Curses are real. 

And what the Field has taught myself, and those at these events, is that these Beings & Forces CAN be safely worked with and HEALING brought to these clients. 

There is much I have learned. You can see it all presented here in this online presentation a few years back. 

This Training Weekend

Will give participants an opportunity to have work done on themselves, their own Fields. Hands on practice and instruction. I will share with the group all that I have learned over these past 4 years and ultimately my full 15 years of leading Family Constellation work. 

We will have individual exercises that support us seeing the KEY ELEMENTS and what the Field wants to show and teach us. Some will receive FULL Constellations, I will facilitate a few of these, others will be facilitated by students who have been trained in the work. They will get hands on practice and direct supervision from me. 

You will leave this training with a MUCH GREATER competence, confidence and understanding regarding how to work SAFELY with these forces.

These Clients Need Us

And there is nowhere else for them to go. Where is someone going to go to get support around these issues? Most can’t go to a shaman in Peru, Medicine work is not available to most. The Church can do an exorcism, but I don’t trust the Church too much.

And yet I have clients coming to me all that time wanting SUPPORT around these issues. There are plenty of people who need this support with nowhere to go. 

We can help them and if you are called to this event, you are one of the Souls wanting to learn this. 

This Masterclass Training

Is open to those newer to Family Constellation work and those who have been through trainings with myself or other facilitators. We will have a mix of newbies and experienced Constellation students & facilitators. 

Everyone will EITHER have an opportunity to facilitate a supervised Constellation or to receive a Constellation around our theme. 

Everyone will participate in informative small group exercises. Everything will be recorded, so if you miss any time, you will receive all the teachings and materials. 

There are ONLY 14 spots in this Advanced Masterclass Training. For the next 2 weeks you will get a discounted price – Saving $150. 

I hope you choose to SAY YES if you receive the call to attend this Masterclass and broaden your skills so we can HELP more of our Sisters & Brothers who are STRUGGLING with these Energies. 

If you are NEW to Family Constellation work, you must check in with me first to see if it would be a good fit for you to attend. If you are new, you would receive and learn, but would not be practice facilitating. 

Here’s one of my FAVORITE Shamanic Constellations I’ve facilitated. I call it “Birthing Light.” It’s a good demonstration of the power of the Field when working with these energies.


Dates: September 20th, 21st & 22nd
Time: 10am – 7pm Eastern Time US (New York Time)
Group Size: 13 (2 spots remain)
Cost: $750
Platform: Online/Zoom

For those of us in European or Asian time zones, this will go late into the night. I know this is not easy. I will be in Moldova myself so this will run to 2am for me, but it is doable and if you receive the call, I would love to have you with us. If you need to miss a little bit for sleep, this is okay.

You can pay and reserve your spot here. Click the “Join Us” button

This training is recorded. **These Packages are sold out** There are 12 recording packages available. The price is $149 if paid before the training. (You save $50). Once the training starts it goes to the regular price $199. These recordings will NOT be publicly available. (2 Recording Rackages remain)

The Training recordings will be all the best stuff from the weekend. All the teachings and the best facilitations broken down just for you with a demonstration of how to work safely with Low Vibration Forces. There will be 8-10 hours of recorded content.

With the recording package, you will get something that is NOT available in the training. I will dissect 2 Constellations from a teaching perspective and offer all of my thinking as I facilitate these. You will learn my thoughts as a facilitator as I go through these processes.

Questions, comments or thoughts for me?


Success Stories

“Amazing! It’s a must experience.” “Something unfolds before your eyes… It’s like magic”