My Story: Shocking!
My First time. Back in 2002, I remember sitting in the Virginia woods at dusk, it was late Spring and I was taking in the warmth of an open, crackling fire. I was a bit blown-away by what I’d just experienced. By “blown-away,” I’m speaking about the talking-to-a-burning-bush sort of blown-away. I’d just experienced something called “Family Constellation Work.”
Sitting next to the fire, I pondered the previous few hours and the shock of emotions I’d just experienced. I knew I’d touched something big, too big for me to fully grasp. I didn’t know yet that my entire life had just changed direction.
Experiencing the Family Constellation Work bring deep family issues to life, while providing healing for LONG-STANDING generational problems had opened me to concepts of healing I didn’t know existed. I’d seen a bigger truth around healing, our Spiritual natures and a new psychology… For me, there was no turning back.
My Childhood: Planting The Seeds To Become A Healer.
My first 18 years were bad. I didn’t know my father. I was raised by an angry step-dad. My mother suffered a multi-year depression and we lived thousands of miles away from the closest family and potential support. I was a lonely, only child in a dark, angry household with reclusive parents, I was on my own.
Somehow Amidst The Childhood Storm I Found My Way.

What the pain of my childhood instilled in me was a driving quest to heal my wounds. Along the way I experienced many different healing methods but nothing had the BIG, FAST change I wanted. Then I discovered Holotropic Breathwork and Family Constellation work.
In these two modalities I found the accelerated healing process I’d been craving. In addition, these methods of healing brought together my three greatest passions; psychology, spirituality and philosophy.
What My Heart Truly Believes.
As Spiritual beings we have access to greater power than just the body and the mind. Many people (hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions) have healed themselves of debilitating diseases, cancers and injuries that science said they shouldn’t have recovered from. These miraculous healings speak to the greater power within us. It’s available to you, me, to all of us.
Holotropic Breathwork and Family Constellation work create therapeutic experiences where you access your deeper healing wisdom. They do this while combining cutting edge principles of psychology with the best of holistic healing and growth.
The Mundane, Plus The Nuts And Bolts.
After a fun-filled career as a flight attendant I returned to school at the tender young age of 39 to complete my degree in Contemplative Psychology from Naropa University. I graduated in 2007. This same year I also finished a rigorous 2-year training program, certifying as a facilitator of Holotropic Breathwork. In 2008, I began training in Family Constellation work. I’ve since trained with many of the most talented facilitators in the country (plus trainings in Germany & England, too). Family Constellation work is the most amazing modality I’ve seen. It’s now my primary working tool and I have dedicated my life to bringing this work to as many people as possible. I am excited to share it with you and all the rest of my clients.
My Gifts Supporting You
The gifts of healing I have learned on my journey have profoundly enhanced my own life. I believe Family Constellation work and Holotropic Breathwork can support your healing and growth, helping you to fulfill your dreams and desires. Contact me soon and let’s start the process.
Sincerely, Jack Blackwell
A Bit Of My Journey In Pictures