

Constellations & Shamans

For thousands of years, perhaps tens of thousands, humans have gone to the medicine people to receive healing.

These Shamans ~ Medicine Women & Men, serve the people and the tribes.

Many times these healers support their people at an energetic level. What we are without the body – Consciousness and Energy. These healers ALSO provide PHYSICAL REMEDIES as we are in the 3-D human world.

Modern doctors also provide physical remedies. Some helpful and some not. Most contemporary doctors DO NOT work at an energetic level. Many are addressing symptoms and not the root cause.

And yet, almost all Spiritually minded people will say – The root of most diseases are energetic in nature (read more here). What is trauma? A blocked or maligned energetic imprint living in the body that causes disharmony within the system.

First and foremost, we are energetic Beings. This body will die, WE (our Soul/Consciousness) will survive. The Soul is energetic, a wounded Soul is a “wounded Soul.” This means that at the deepest level – Energy – there are wounds/blocks impacting the being. A “wounded Soul” can carry unresolved wounds between lifetimes. This means that the wounds of one lifetime – if Soulfully significant – can impact future incarnations. What is the “wound”? – It’s the energetic disturbance living in the body.

Family Constellations heal at multiple levels. Constellations heal at the level of the Soul – Soul healing. They also work at the level of thoughts, body and energy (body, mind, Spirit). The beauty of Constellation work is THE INTELLIGENCE. Constellations know exactly where to go. Many times you and I DO NOT know what a particular Soul needs for healing. This Divine intelligence knows and directs the healing process to where the client needs it.

Shamanic Constellations – Light & Dark

The Medicine Women & Men (Shamans) also work at the level of Light & Dark. Ask any Shaman or Indigenous Medicine Worker if Light & Dark Forces are real, I can assure you, they will say yes!

Entities, Attachments, Possessions, Curses, Black Magic – All are real. And more common than you think. (See the Constellations below.)

Shamans are midwives, they work between the worlds. They work with High Vibration Helpers to free humans from the negative effects of Low Vibration Beings & Forces.

These Dark Energies & Beings live in lineages and are impacting MANY HUMANS even now. This is not just something from the 1600’s. I believe politics & religion are even now corrupted by Darkness.

Constellations can work at this Light & Dark level supporting humans to be free from the influence of Low Vibration Beings. I call the Constellations that work with these Forces – Shamanic Constellations. 

Shamanic Constellations bring together High Vibration Helpers & Low Vibration Beings into the Field to FREE clients from any negative impacts.

(Note: I use the words Low Vibration Beings, Malevolent Forces, Evil & Dark interchangeably.)

A Deeper Level – Light & Dark

I have facilitated over 100 “Shamanic Constellations” and know that Light & Dark Beings and Energies are real. Not only this, but that WE ourselves have Light & Dark within us.

I have seen that attachments, curses, entities, malevolent forces, interact with and impact humanity. I have seen sacrifices by ancestors in lineages to bring these Beings and Forces in, in exchange for POWER or revenge.

Working with these Forces is NOT the same as working with a traditional Constellation. It takes new skills and awareness. Skills that anyone can learn as I have.

Here is a presentation I offered to facilitators teaching them how to work with Low Vibration Forces. This presentation teaches the safety and skills needed.

Who Needs A Shamanic Constellation?

When forces of Darkness are present in a lineage, different awarenesses are needed to work with them. Low Vibration Forces are real and alive now, they have agency and can manipulate a Constellation to meet their needs. Just as I am working in a Field with the energies of Light, they can be working against us with Low Vibration Energies. They DO NOT want to leave lineages. Lineages give them power and control – A source of “food.”

Lineages with Low Vibration Beings – I have consistently seen these lineages usually have the highest levels of trauma. When someone shares with me in an intake that murders are relevant in their family system, or that SEXUAL ABUSE is rampant and in every generation, these are red flags for me. 

Hearing that grandmother worked with spells & Black Magic or that there are curses on the family are also red flags.

Cults and overly religious humans in an ancestry can also be associated with Low Vibration Forces.

The pull of addiction (The Darkest ones) can be relevant to Dark Forces, pulling you or pushing you to feed them.

When Malevolent energies are affecting you and are in your lineage, you can find your life SABOTAGED. You can experience psychic attacks in the night (learn more about psychic attacks & protection here in this Facebook conversation.) You can attract perpetrators and narcissists in your life. You will have a habit of trusting the wrong people at just the wrong time. You can hear voices in your head that feel like you, but are not, saying negative things that bring your vibe down and more.

These Beings & Forces are nasty and will do what they can to keep you in a low vibration state where they can feed off your energy. These Beings cannot feed off Higher Vibration energies such as love & gratitude.

If these are relevant to you or someone you know or your family, Shamanic Constellations can FREE YOU from the trauma patterns, curses, sabotage, addictions, etc., that these Beings bring.

Note: Dark past lifetimes, whether the victim or the perpetrator, can also give these Beings access to us and our energetic fields.

Getting Help & Cosmic Beings

We cannot work with Malevolent Beings alone, we need special skills and training. Shamans collaborate with High Vibration Beings, Energies & Helpers to support the people’s healing. They call in these Forces & Beings to assist in the healing process. As facilitators, we can also do this when working Shamanically.

In my learning, I’ve found that when working with Low Vibration Forces ~ it’s imperative to have High Vibration Helpers with us in the Field to create safety & share guidance. You can learn about the Cosmic Helpers, The Pleiadeans here in this well reviewed book.

I’ve also found through 4 years of leading Shamanic Constellations that Cosmic Beings are real and here to support humanity’s evolution. I would not have believed this had I not seen with my own eyes. I’m a skeptic at heart and need proof before I believe something. But after so many of these Constellations and receiving their support in the Field, I now know they are here to lovingly SUPPORT HUMANITY.

I Learned From The Field

When I was first learning to work with these Beings & Forces, my main concern was safety for my clients & representatives. Fortunately I found the book: How Arcturians Are Healing Planet Earth: One Soul Or Millions At A Time By Wayne Brewer. This book guided me regarding the Low Vibration Forces and also introduced me to High Vibration Helpers. In this case, the Arcturians and others.

With these helpers in the Field guiding me and my own intuition and wisdom, we (myself, the representatives & the Cosmic Helpers) were able to SUPPORT the healing of many clients.

The videos below are shared with the permission of the clients. Fascinating what can show up through the guidance of the Field when working with Light & Dark Forces. Check them out. Maybe you are a skeptic like I was. See what you think and judge for yourself.

If you believe these Negative Energies & Beings are affecting you, reach out, I am happy to support you with a Shamanic Constellation.