A Private Family Constellation For You

To Learn More

Family Constellation

Workshops and Events

Experience Constellations ~ Attend A Private Event As A Representative FREE

Constellations work online beautifully – We are now attracting representatives from around the world. Everyone is able to experience the work. Events are easy to attend and create. We are co-creating weekly events with heart and connections.

To experience Constellation work at a private event (most events are free), enter your name and email here and you will receive an invite shortly. 

Note: These private events dive straight into the work, there is no introduction. You can attend with no experience. Contact me with questions.

Some of the events below have been RECORDED to support people learning about Family Constellation. Look for the events with red YouTube buttons. If you enjoy, please like, comment and hit “subscribe” on YouTube, I’m coming out with new Family Constellation Videos every few weeks and it helps others learn about Constellation work. It’s appreciated. 

Each workshop hosts 16 people. The Focus Client, Myself & 14 Representatives. New events are added to this page weekly.

If you have ANY QUESTIONS – Reach out


Upcoming & Past Events & Trainings

(Some Past Events are Recorded. You can watch the recordings by clicking the Red YouTube buttons when available)


I'm Tired & I don't Always Want To Live

**This Workshop Is Full** Tuesday we have a private Family Constellation event. We will SUPPORT a client in repairing her energetic system. For decades this client has struggled with NOT having her full energy. She has struggled day in and day out. There is a LOT of trauma in her Family system. We will see how this is contributing to her struggles. What is required for her to break free and have her full energy. The Field will show us and bring healing energies. You are welcome to join us. 

8pm-10:30pm EST (New York Time). It is free.


My Family Is Cursed

**This Event Is Full** Friday we have a Shamanic Constellation workshop.  There is something Dark & Negative that always impacts the people within this Family. Whether it is early deaths, inability to get ahead or tragedies that strike the family. It is as if there is a Dark Cloud hanging over this family. We have seen from previous Constellations that something happened to this family generations ago. A true tragedy. It also seems a curse was placed on this family. We will Soul-fully explore. You are welcome to join us. However, this is a Shamanic Constellation and SC’s are not open to those new to Constellation work or my circle. You must have attended a traditional Constellation event with me first.

9am-11:30am GMT (London Time). It is free.


"Controlling Men"

**This Event Is Full** Tuesday we have a Family Constellation workshop. Our client continually finds herself in relationship and interactions with controlling men. It started with her father and the pattern has followed her her entire life. She wants to see what is going on and break this pattern. 

It will be a great exploration. You are welcome to join us.

8am-10:30am GMT (London Time). It is free.


Special Training & Workshop ~ Fixing The BROKEN Inner Compass

~ Do you always trust the wrong people or don’t know who to trust?
~ Are you constantly betrayed?

**This Training/Workshop Is Full** In this Sunday’s Special Family Constellation Workshop we will explore why you keep choosing people who harm you or why you can’t trust anyone at all.

What is it in you that keeps attracting you to these people?

We will explore and bring healing to the childhood trauma beneath these patterns. Within you is an internal compass that guides you to those you can trust and advises you against those you cannot. Childhood trauma can BREAK your inner compass, blocking you from trusting anyone or continually being betrayed. We can repair it. 

This workshop is also a TRAINING. If you are trained in Family Constellation work, you can have the opportunity to practice facilitation. Click the GREEN BUTTON below to get the workshop details. 10am-7:00pm EST (New York Time).


Sexual Shadows

**This Event Is Full** Friday we have a Family Constellation workshop. Our theme for this client is – What are my sexual shadows? What do I need to own? Is anything hidden?

This is a brave exploration for this client. Our sexual energy is so important because it is SO POWERFUL. We will explore with this client sexual shadows. We will learn for ourselves what we need to own or see. What is our own sexual shadow, what parts are we repressing or overusing? It will be a great exploration. You are welcome to join us.

10am-12:30pm EST (New York Time). It is free.


Who Can I Trust? Who Is Light & Who Is Dark?

**This Event Is Full** Monday we have a Family Constellation workshop. Our theme is “who can I trust?” Sometimes when the childhood trauma is severe, we lose our inner compass regarding who is trustworthy and who is not. We can find in life that we ALWAYS trust the wrong person. Unfortunately people who struggle with this issue usually stop trusting everyone. This is because the pain of continued betrayal becomes too much, so to protect themselves, they shut down trusting anyone. This is SMART as a method of self-protection, but long-term, to go through life not being able to trust anyone – is painful and costs a LOT. Let’s see what we can do to SUPPORT this client FIX her inner trust guidance. 

You are welcome to join. 10am-12:30pm EST (New York Time). It is free.


"I Want To Have Children, But Something Is Blocking"

**This Event Is Full** Thursday we have a Family Constellation workshop. This client deeply wants to have children and has tried EVERYTHING. But something is blocking. We will set this up in the Field and explore the Soul dynamics – What is going on? We also hope to bring peace & healing no matter what the outcome. You are welcome to join. 12pm-2:30pm EST (New York Time). It is free.


There's Something Dark In The Women's Side Of My Lineage

**This Event Is Full** Tuesday we have a Shamanic Constellation workshop. These are different from Family Constellation Workshops in that they deal with Forces of Light & Dark (Entities, Attachments & More). This event will explore what is going on with mom and the other women – Why is it so scary to connect with them? We will also SUPPORT our client to embrace what is best for her Soul. To learn more about Shamanic Constellations click here.

Unfortunately due to the subject matter, Shamanic Constellation workshops are not open to those new to Constellation work. You must have attended a prior event with me.

You are welcome to join. 12pm-2:30pm GMT (London Time). It is free.


"The Men Die Young"

**This Event Is Full** Friday we have a Family Constellation workshop. There are early deaths for the men in this lineage. Our client is worried about her Son. In this lineage the men die early. Not living to the fullest of their lives. Using Constellation work we will take a look at what is going on for these men. What is the trauma causing this early loss of life. Is it ancestral, did something happen to the men long ago. And then let’s free up her son from any potential entanglement with this untimely fate. You are welcome to join. 8am-10:30am GMT – UK (London Time). It is free.


Embracing The Shadow Side

**This Event Is Full** Tuesday we have a Family Constellation workshop. This client wants  to embrace her shadow side (Darkness). She feels there is medicine for her here. She’s had previous Constellations and they show her that this is IMPORTANT. If wholeness, embracing your Darkness & integration, call to you, you are welcome to join us. 

11am-1:30pm EST (New York Time). It is free.


A Healers Journey To Reclaiming Her Light

**This Event Is Full** Saturday we have a Family Constellation workshop. We will SUPPORT this healer to reclaim her LIGHT. She comes from a lineage with a lot of Darkness. She is attacked often and struggling to bring her Medicine to the world. She also runs into issues of who she can & cannot trust. Betrayal is BIG. We will support her to embrace her LIGHT & more fully bring her gifts to the world.  You are welcome to join. 

10am-12:30pm EST (New York Time). It is free.


My Fear Of Being Seen Is Blocking My Abundance & Gifts

**This Event Is Full** Thursday we have a Family Constellation workshop. We will support a healer move past her fears of being seen & more fully bring her gifts to the world. She wants to SHOW UP more in the world and she is just-not-able to do this. We will support her. You are welcome to join. 9 spots remain

This event is 9am-11:30am UK – GMT (London Time). It is free.


Passing Along Ancestral Trauma To Our Children?

**This Event Is Full** Monday we have a Family Constellation workshop. This client wants to make sure that her wounds and the ancestral wounds don’t get passed down to her Daughter. We will SUPPORT HER to take on her own wounding and free her daughter up, as much as possible, from the ancestral trauma that has been in her lineage for generations. You are welcome to join. 

This event is 11am-1:30pm EST (New York Time). It is free.


Healing Relationships with Men. Cleaning Up The Past.

**This Event Is Full** Friday we have a Family Constellation workshop. From our client “Past life clean-up with my Men relationships, father and partners in this lifetime and previous that impact my Soul’s mission.” This client wants to look at and embrace any healing that is needed with the masculine from this lifetime and the past. Anything that is blocking her ability to manifest change in the world. 

This event is 12pm-2:30pm EST (New York Time). It is free.


The Daughter Is Ill - Is Ancestral Trauma The Cause?

**This Event Is Full** Tuesday we have a Family Constellation workshop. A mother is concerned about her daughter’s health. What is going on? Can this be related to trauma, to the ancestry? Tuesday using our Spiritual tool we will take a look and see what the Field shows us regarding what is needed for this child’s healing & health. With Constellations, most times we see that it is not about the child, but that they are carrying something for the Family. If you want to SUPPORT this mother and bring healing to the daughter, you are welcome to join.

This event is 11am-1:30pm EST (New York Time). It is free.


I Want Greater Intimacy & Healthy Love & Connection

**This Event Is Full** Saturday our Family Constellation workshop is about INTIMACY. This client wants to look at her blocks to ALL LEVELS of intimacy. She wants the passion, trust, authenticity & connections. Let’s turn this over to our mystical tool and see what it reveals for her. Whatever it is, I am sure we will be surprised. If this theme calls to you, you are welcome to join. 

This event is 12pm-2:30pm EST (New York Time). It is free.


Blocks To Money, Prosperity & Finance

**This Event Is Full** Wednesday we have a Family Constellation workshop. Our theme is healthy relationship to money & abundance. One thing I have learned from 15 years of Family Constellation work, it is never about the money. It is either fear, lineage, past life or childhood trauma. Or perhaps the family gained wealth through unethical means. Whatever it is we will explore the mystery using our Spiritual Tool – Family Constellation work. You are welcome to join. 

This event is 11am-1:30pm EST (New York Time). It is free.


"I Want A Healthy Relationship With An Available Man"

**This Event Is Full** Sunday we have a Family Constellation workshop. We will explore healthy relationships. We will also explore UNHEALTHY attractions. Why is this client NOT attracting the right men for her. The ones she could have a healthy & loving relationship with. We will explore why the unhealthy attractions and shift what is blocking to a deeper and more intimate love.  You are welcome to join. 

This event is 10am-12:30pm UK Time (London). It is free.


Healing The Little Girl Inside

**This event is full** Thursday’s Family Constellation Workshop. Healing the inner child. Childhood trauma does a number on us. Eventually if we want to have a great and successful life, we have to go back to the childhood experiences and heal & integrate the pain and grief. Thursday we will explore this. This healer wants to bring her gifts to the world and she wants to do great things and help many people. But her inner little one needs attending to first. We will dive deep and explore this Soul level healing.

This event is 12pm-2:30pm Eastern Time (New York Time). It is free.


"Why Are My Feelings Always Invalidated?"

**This Event Is Full** Tuesday we have a Family Constellation workshop. We will explore the healing of feelings & invalidation. When we are invalidated as children, we can tend to choose partners and relationships that invalidate us also. This can be so painful. We will SUPPORT a client to get really clear about who she is and her emotions/feelings. This will be a powerful healing events. 

This event is 8am-10:30am UK Time (Think London). It is free.


**New Event** Psychic Attacks & Mental Health

**This Event Is Full** Sunday we have a Shamanic Constellation Workshop. These are different from Family Constellation Workshops in that they deal with Forces of Light & Dark (Entities, Attachments & More). Seems related to something on mom’s side. We will SUPPORT this client to BREAK FREE and live a HAPPIER & MORE JOYOUS life. To learn more about Shamanic Constellations click here.

Unfortunately due to the subject matter, Shamanic Constellation workshops are not open to those new to Constellation work. You must have attended a prior event with me. 

This event is 10am-12:30pm EST (New York Time). It is free.


Living Life With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

**This event is full** Thursday we have a Family Constellation workshop. This client is STRUGGLING & her energy is low.  She’s in constant pain. There’s a LOT of trauma in her family system. We’ll SUPPORT HER by shifting the old trauma energies & infusing them with LOVE and other High Vibration Energies. If you want to be a part of evolving trauma energies to love, you are welcome to join us. 

Note: This event will be recorded & may be shared with others to support them to learn about Family Constellation work. This event is 11am-1:30pm Eastern Time US (New York Time). It’s free.


Healing Deep Feelings of Unworthiness & Unlovability

**This Event Is Full** Sunday’s Family Constellation Workshop. We will support a client to explore the Soul question. Do I matter? Many of carry these wounds from childhood when our parents could not meet our needs or did NOT feel lovable themselves. And so we carry these feelings of unlovability and lack of worth. We will explore with Constellation work and learn what intelligence the Field has for this client. For we know at a Soul level that ALL BEINGS are aspects of The Divine and worthy of the greatest Light & Love.

This event is 12pm-2:30pm Eastern Time (New York Time). It is free.
**Note: Time changes in this U.S. at 2am Sunday morning**


Are Low Vibration Forces Impacting This Healer's Life?

**This event is full** Thursday (Halloween) we have a Shamanic Constellation Workshop. These are different from Family Constellation Workshops in that they deal with Forces of Light & Dark (Entities, Attachments & the rest). Seems related to something on mom’s side. We will SUPPORT this client to BREAK FREE and live a HAPPIER & MORE JOYOUS life.

To learn more about Shamanic Constellations click here.

Unfortunately due to the subject matter, Shamanic Constellation workshops are not open to those new to Constellation work. You must have attended a prior event with me. Note: This event will be RECORDED & May be shared publicly to support others to learn about Family Constellation work.

This event is 11am-1:30pm UK Time (Think London). It is free.


A Healer Is Blocked ~ Why Can't She Bring Her Gifts?

**This Event Is Full** Monday’s Family Constellation Workshop. From our client – “I jump all in, into something and then I retreat, I get confused, I am not sure what I am doing. This affects everything, especially when I am ready to take action and then nothing happens or worse, everything falls apart.”

Bringing the gift of Constellation Work, we will SUPPORT her & our own healing as well.

This event is 12pm-2:30pm EDT (New York Time). It is free.


A Malevolent Attachment To "Dad." What Is Going On?

**This Event Is Full** Thursday we have a Shamanic Constellation Workshop. These are different from Family Constellation Workshops in that they deal with Forces of Light & Dark (Entities, Attachments & the rest). Something is going between dad & his adopted daughter. It even seems like a past life is involved. What can bring healing to this WAR going on between them? We will support her & explore this challenging dynamic.

To learn more about Shamanic Constellations click here.

Unfortunately due to the subject matter, Shamanic Constellation events are not open to those new to Constellation work. You must have attended an event with me prior. 
This event is 12pm-2:30pm EDT (New York Time). It is free.


Generational Trauma & Grief In The Family

**This Event Is Full** Sunday’s Family Constellation Workshop. This man comes from a very broken family system. There is a lot of trauma here. And he is doing his best to clean up these family wounds. And as you can guess, they are harming his relationships. You are invited to be a part of this lineage healing and hopefully bring healing to your own lineage pain as well. Remember, there is always love, we just have to uncover it.This event is 11am-1:30pm EDT (New York Time). It is free.


Intimate Relationship Troubles & And an "Inner scream"

**This Event Is Full** Wednesday we have a private Family Constellation Workshop. We will support a woman to look at her intimate partnership. What is going on – Why is it so hard! Hopefully we will support her/them and bring more love and harmony.

This event is 11am-1:30pm BST (London Time). It is free.


Embracing The Dark Side - The Path To Wholeness

**This Event Is Full** Sunday we have a Shamanic Constellation Workshop. These are different from Family Constellation Workshops in that they deal with Forces of Light & Dark (Entities, Attachments & the rest). This client wants to explore her connection to the Dark. How is this relevant in her life? Are Low Vibration Forces impacting her? 

To learn more about Shamanic Constellations click here.

Unfortunately due to the subject matter, Shamanic Constellation events are not open to those new to Constellation work. You must have attended an event with me prior. 
This event is 12pm-2:30pm EDT (New York Time). It is free.


A Recent Cancer Diagnosis - Can Healing Trauma Help?

Friday’s Family Constellation Workshop. Supporting a client with a recent cancer diagnosis. I would never say that trauma causes cancer, but ACE tests show an incredible correlation between trauma and significant illness – Especially childhood trauma!  Constellation illuminate the root causes of our life challenges. Friday we will explore and support this client’s healing and journey in dealing with her recent cancer diagnosis.

1 spot remains. If you want a spot, click the button below & let me know the event date.
This event is 10am-12:30pm BST (London Time). It is free.


Relationships Struggles - Childhood Trauma is Blocking Love

**This Event Is Full** Tuesday we have a Family Constellation workshop. This client is struggling with anxiety and his relationship life. He wants to IMPROVE IT. Using the Field we will explore what is going on and SUPPORT HIS HEALING. 16 spots are available. If you want a spot at this event, click the button below. Let me know which event you want a spot at by the date.

This event is 12pm-2:30pm EDT (New York Time). It is free.


A Healer is Blocked: She Can't Bring Her Gifts To The World

**This event is full** Wednesday’s Shamanic Constellation workshop. This client has a lot of Malevolent energy around her. Her life has been sabotaged in so many ways. Using the Field we will explore what is going on and SUPPORT HER HEALING. This event will be recorded and may be shared publicly to support others to learn about Constellation work. This is a Shamanic Constellation event dealing with energies of Light & Dark, these are not open to those new to Constellation work. You must have attended a prior Constellation workshops. 16 spots are available.
This event is 12pm-2:30pm EDT (New York Time). It is free.


A Broken Sibling Relationship: Can The Family Be Healed?

Sunday’s Shamanic Constellation workshop. The relationship is broken. The brother is living off mom. There is resentment towards his sisters. What is going on at a Soul Level. Using the Field we will explore. This is a Shamanic Constellation event – Meaning we may be dealing with energies & Beings of Light & Dark. Shamanic Constellation events are NOT open to those new to Constellation work. You must have attended one of my traditional Constellation events first. 16 spots are available.
This event is 11am-1:30pm EDT (New York Time). It is free.


Advanced Family Constellation Training (Masterclass): Safely Working With Forces Of Light & Dark

This Advanced Family Constellation Training teaches Shamanic Constellations. These provide a safe way of working with Low Vibration energies. Every Constellation facilitator will come across Client’s Fields that have Low Vibration, Malevolent, Dark, Etc., Energies in them. Most facilitators are not trained to support these clients. This training teaches these skills. Combining traditional Constellations with Shamanic Concepts allows us to safely support clients when these energies & Beings come into the Field. Click the button & get the details.


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Bringing Healing & Light

**This event is full** At Wednesday’s Family Constellation workshop we’ll take a Soul-Level look at a struggling with the energy to navigate life. What it is that needs to be seen, healed and resolved so this client can brreak forward and live a happy life? We’ll tap in to Spiritual Forces and get guidance from the Field. You are welcome to join us. This event is 12pm-2:30pm EDT (New York Time). It is free.

**Note: This event will be recorded and may be shared publicly to support others to learn about Family Constellation work.


A Painful Divorce (Part 3) - A Private Constellation Event

**This Event Is Full** At Sunday’s Family Constellation workshop we’ll take a Soul-Level look at a couple struggling through a divorce. What it is that needs to be seen, healed and resolved for this divorce to happen in the best possible way? Can there be reconciliation that allows harmony and ease? I believe there is. We’ll tap in to Spiritual Forces and get guidance from the Field. You are welcome to join us. 2 spots remain.
This event is 11am-1:30pm EDT (New York Time). It is free. 


A Shamanic Constellation Event: Is There A Curse On This Family Affecting This Client's Life Success?

**This Event is Full** Thursday we have a Shamanic Constellation event. This client believes that her life success is being blocked by a family curse. We will access the Wisdom of the Field and find out what is going on and bring healing shifts. Shamanic Constellation events, because of their nature of working with Light & Dark energies & Beings are NOT open to those new to Family Constellation work. If you have experience you are welcome to join us. This event is 11am-1:30pm EDT (New York Time). It is free. 


A Shamanic Constellation Event: A Healer Is Blocked

**This event is full** Saturday we have a Shamanic Constellation event. This healer wants to bring her LIGHT to the world, but feels that Dark Forces are BLOCKING her. We will access the Wisdom of the Field and find out what is going on and bring healing shifts. Shamanic Constellation events, because of their nature of working with Light & Dark energies & Beings are NOT open to those new to Family Constellation work. If you have experience you are welcome to join us.
This event is 11am-1:30pm EDT (New York Time). It is free. 


A Shamanic Constellation Event: Is This Client Cursed?

Saturday’s Constellation event, we’ll explore the Shadow Side. Is there a curse impacting this client and her family? Curses, Low Vibration Forces, attachments, etc., are real. I have been supporting clients to free themselves from Low Vibration Forces for years. This event is FREE & there are 15 spots available. Unfortunately, due to the nature of this event, it is NOT open to those new to Constellation work. This event will be recorded & may be shared publicly to support others to learn about Shamanic Constellations. This event is 10am-12:30pm GMT +1 (London Time) 


Leadership & Fears Of Failure

**This event is full** Thursday’s Family Constellation event. This man wants to bring his gifts to the world, but he is blocked – Fear is holding him back. He also has some pretty traumatic wounds in his lineage. Wounds that are blocking him from being SUCCESSFUL in life. We’ll see what we can do to support this man to get moving forward. You are welcome to join us. 16 spots. This event is 1pm-3:30pm UK Time (Think London). It is free. 


Healing From Abuse & Dark Forces

A Shamanic Constellation Event – Working with forces of Light & Dark. Our client is struggling with Low Vibration energies. There is Black Magic and more in her lineage. We are going to SUPPORT her to be free of any negative repercussions. Unfortunately this event is NOT open to those new to Constellation work. More details coming soon.
This event is 8am-10:30am GMT+1 (London Time). It is free. 


A Painful Divorce (Part 2) - A Private Constellation Event

At Sunday’s Family Constellation workshop we’ll take a Soul-Level look at a couple struggling through a divorce. What it is that needs to be seen, healed and resolved for this divorce to happen in the best possible way? Can there be reconciliation that allows harmony and ease? I believe there is. We’ll tap in to Spiritual Forces and get guidance from the Field. You are welcome to join us. 1 spot available.
This event is 12pm-2:30pm EDT. It is free. 


**SPECIAL EVENT** Men & Women Need One Another. A Collective Constellation

Saturday August 17th we will explore the relationship between women & men. We’ll approach it differently from the traditional lens. We’ll take a Soul Level look at the dynamics between us. We’ll explore why and how we need one another, how our gifts combine and what are our shadows. This event is open to all. It will be recorded and may be shared publicly to support others in learning about male/female dynamics.
This event is 11am-1:30pm EDT. It is free. 


Complex Trauma & Feeling Safe In The Body

**This event is FULL** Friday’s Constellation workshop we’ll SUPPORT a client to resolve deep levels of childhood trauma. We will SUPPORT feelings of safety in the body. This will be a heavy Constellation, but many of us have had these childhoods, so it may support us to participate and bring more resolution to this trauma in our lives. We’ll tap in to Spiritual Forces and get guidance from the Field. You are welcome to join us. 15 spots remains. This event is 12pm-2:30pm EST. It is free.


This Client Is Struggling With Feeling Supported, Income & Bringing Her Gifts

**This event is FULL** At Tuesday’s Family Constellation event we’ll support this healer to MOVE FORWARD and bring her gifts to the world. She is currently stuck, undervaling herself and struggling. We’ll tap into Spiritual Forces and get guidance from the Field. You are welcome to join us.
This event is 1pm-3:30pm EST. It is free.


Why Is This Client Attracting Perpetrators Into Her Life?

Monday’s Family Constellation workshop we’ll support a client (and all learn together) about perpetrator dynamics. Some of attract them, some do not. This client has had this energy in her family system for a long time. Is this past life, is this family, we will see? You are invited. 16 spots available.
This event is 12pm-2:30pm EST. It is free. **This event is FULL**


A Struggling Daughter - Mom Is Trying To Help

This event will be recorded. A 9 year old daughter is struggling. Using Constellation work we will explore, what is going on for her. It is almost never about the children, it is usually about the unresolved issues of mom, dad or the lineage. The kids just pick up the family Patterns. You are welcome to watch this Constellation on YouTube. Please like, comment or subscribe on YouTube if you find the video valuable. Thank you as it help out this growing, Family Constellation, YouTube channel.
This event is 11am-1:30pm EST. 16 spots available **This event is FULL**


A Painful Divorce - A Private Family Constellation Workshop

Saturday we will take a Soul-Level look at a couple struggling through a divorce. What it is that needs to be seen, healed and resolved for this divorce to happen in the best possible way? Can there be reconciliation that allows harmony and ease? I believe there is. We’ll tap in to Spiritual Forces and get guidance from the Field. You are welcome to join us.
This event is 12pm-2:30pm EST. It is free. 


Rise Above Politics - A Special Collective Constellation Event

I don’t believe electing one person, Left or Right will help us. I believe each of us RAISING our Consciousness/Vibration is what is needed. That we need to RISE above politics. In this Collective Constellation we’ll look at our client’s Field and learn – What is her HIGHEST & BEST Soul response to either Joe Biden or Donald Trump.

This event is 12pm-2:30pm EST. It is free. 


Family Constellation Work & Narcissism. A Soul Level Look

On Sunday we’ll take a Higher Vibration look at Narcissism. We all know the trauma story and psychological narrative, but what is the Spirit Level story. Ultimately, I believe that everything is in service to Love, even these hard & painful life paths. Let’s take a look at the Soul Level of Narcissism. This event will be recorded and may be shared publicly. 11am-1pm EST


Shamanic Constellation Event - Working With Energies of Light & Dark

Light & Dark energies are another level of the human experience. These energies affect some people more than others. This client feels there are malevolent energies impacting her and wants to be free of pain and sabotage. This Constellation is unfortunately NOT open to those new to Constellation work. Reach out to save your spot. 7:30am-10am UK Time (London)


Exploring Ancient Mysteries - Lemuria & Gobekli Tepe

A special Collective Constellation event. Constellations allow us to see patterns & Truths beyond our intellectual knowing. Sunday, using the Field, we’ll explore two Ancient Mysteries – Lemuria & Gobekli Tepe. You are invited. This event is Free. It will be recorded & may be shared publicly. 7pm-10pm EST


A Private Family Constellation Workshop. Our Theme: Anger & Self Destruction

Wednesday we will explore with a client their patterns of anger and self-destruction. We will see
where this stems from in the lineage and we will bring healing and shifts. If you struggle with
these issues or you love Constellation work, or just want to check out the process. You’re

This event is FREE. 7pm-10pm EST


Private Family Constellation Event. Our Theme: Inner Child Healing

For many of us, our childhood wounds are still affecting us today. Causing havoc in our
relationships, our work success, health and more. Today we take a Soul Level look at the inner
child of our client. What is she needing? Why is our client scared to connect with her inner little
girl and more. This will be a deep and profound journey of healing the childhood wounds.This
event is free and you are invited.

Space is limited. 12pm-2:30pm EST


Private Family Constellation Event. Our Theme: Blocks Around Speaking One’s Truth

In this Constellation we will support a woman who has much to say and is BLOCKED around
speaking her truth. Many of the women in her lineage are. When truth speaking is blocked, we
need to go back and explore the cause and begin bringing healing to the lineage. Saturday we
will explore this.

You are invited. 4pm-6:30pm EST. Free.


Shamanic Constellation Event - Working with Light & Dark Spiritual Energies

Shamanic Constellations deal with energies of Light & Dark. This is another level of human that
affects some people. Unfortunately this event is NOT open to those new to Family Constellation
work. This event will be recorded and may be shared publicly. Time: 4pm-6:30pm EST

Success Stories

“Jack holds the space beautifully…” “I greatly appreciated Jack’s open-heartedness, skill and flexibility throughout the constellation. As someone who facilitates, I was deeply impressed by Jack’s ability to hold the space for multiple layers of the constellation and follow them through to a loving resolution. He holds the space beautifully and makes everyone involved feel appreciated and seen. One can clearly see how much of his own work Jack has done to get to this point, and it is a pleasure to work with him.”

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x