Inner Child Work & Family Constellation Facilitation

Holding your Inner ChildFamily Constellation Facilitation and Inner Children

This was written for my Sage Business Advice Family Constellation group, but I thought I would share it here also…

Inner Child Work

More and more I am seeing that Inner Child Work could be the BIGGEST block to your Family Constellation facilitator success.

Not doing this work could slow or END your career.

Most importantly we need to ATTUNE TO THEM (the little ones) and make sure they are safe. This is HUGE.

They can be terrified – to be seen, to reach out and nobody is there (think marketing), to fail in front of others (leading an event), to be overwhelmed with responsibility (like in childhood).

These are profound blocks that some of you will need to work through.

The Blocks

I’ve faced all of these and more. Perfectionism, reaching out and nobody responds (the mother wound), overwhelm with events, FEAR around failing publicly (either facilitating poorly or when I have to cancel an event)

All of these have a profound impact on your little one and will derail your work going forward if not addressed.

Attuning to Inner ChildAtunement is the BIGGEST key. Paying attention to them. Being ENERGETICALLY present with them. Knowing what they need regarding THEIR SAFETY & more.

Putting them first before your work and workshop needs. But not letting their fear run everything. It is a delicate balance to be mother and father to them, to comfort them and also push them encouragingly forward while holding their little hands.

I would say the BIGGEST blocks to being a successful Family Constellation facilitator is inner child work.


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